Motivational Desires
Why take a graduate course in maker education…? I am a faculty member at North Dakota State University, in the School of Education. I am a science educator who used to teach college chemistry, but now I teach teachers, administrators, and other educational professionals who are returning to school for advanced degrees. Mostly, I teach research methods. I have also been a maker since a was a little kid. I come from a creative and artistic family, so there were always tools, materials, and encouragement around. I took apart every toy I was given as a kid to find out how it worked (and to see if I could modify it). I suppose that is root of my love of science: I like to know how things work. It is not just about knowing how things work though. I mean, I do like that part. But I get more excited about the possibility that knowing opens up. Knowing how things works makes it possible to imagine new possibilities and ask new que...